Original Poems
By Revna Ulfhild
If my love is high, and I am down,
Does this mean I have reaped or sown?
My heart aches, its pulse ever-quickening,
The pain sears but for a moment.
Then it grows silent and cold -- yearning,
The crimson flows no more, it gives no counts.
But this is not death, the spirit resides,
Though the body makes no moves.
The eyes blink and do not hide,
Maybe the soul has hit a groove.
Surely something can pull them back,
Was something lost and sunk to the depths?
Only that which you hold but never keep track,
That which makes you yearn for death.
For this solemn identity is around every day,
But for you, it will never stay
By Revna Ulfhild
Stars Align, Form signs
Defining, what is benign
And what is malign
The divine assigns
No decline nor resign
You become inclined.
We can redefine
Combine, Entwine, enshrine or
Repine and confine
Refine yours and mine
Perhaps we are not destined
By our assigned sign
Relax and recline
Like the stars in the divine
And we can just shine
By Revna Ulfhild
We stand a mess
our chests pried open
and filled with grief.
Put on your dress
though your heart is barren
this feeling will be brief.
say what you bless
give two gold to Charon,
and sigh your relief.
A Voice in the Dark
By Revna Ulfhild
I stand on a skyscraper
overlooking the valley of a downtown street.
Below the streetlights like stars,
and the headlights – comets
shoot over black pavement,
then fade,
swallowed as if by a black hole,
until we are all engulfed,
and I hear a sweet voice:
Why do you look down on me, human?
“Because I am thinking of jumping, of becoming one with you,”
I answer, sounding sure of myself.
You wish to embrace me ahead of your time?
“I want to end it in my prime!”
I lie; I feel my life has been wasted.
Regardless of what you have failed to accomplished,
it says, again,
This life isn’t yours to take.
You have so much more to give.
I can’t allow you to take it.
The blackness fades
and I am no longer on the ledge
Now I am among the stars and comets
and I feel more at ease.
By Revna Ulfhild
I sit at a desk, press the keys:
clickity-clackity the keys go as they touch down,
firing digital code through the control switch
along the cable to the motherboard,
the ones and zeros transformed to hexadecimal,
to Java, C, HTML: source code.
That appears on screen as alpha-numericals
in lines of hundreds of thousands,
the Kernal of code, embryo
that begins to breathe,
to speak,
its life blossoming.
The Origins of the British Museum
By Revna Ulfhild
The agents of annihilation
once assembled to attain
the ancient artifacts:
Amenhotep’s head,
Sloane’s Astrolabe,
Ashurbanipal’s Palace panels,
Athenian Amphorae,
and the accumulated appellations
of the autochthonous,
against the advice of advocates.
By Revna Ulfhild
Weapons marked blue; slashing
Weapons marked green; stabbing
Weapons marked red; heavy weapons
Zero points for headshots
Zero points for hands
Zero points for grounded feet
One point for arm; lost
One point for leg; lost
One heavy stab breaks armor
Two points for torso
Two points for victory
Two heavy hits break shields
Glaives win with teamwork
Teamwork beats glaive
Shields work with small weapons
Large weapons break shields
Bows benefit with long range
Range(close) breaks bows